At Villino Sabiana the guests can relax and enjoy the spectacular view over the sea in the wide shady garden and in the solarium equipped with deck chairs. The private parking is also provided with covered parking spaces. The private parking is Also Provided with covered parking spaces.Villino Sabiana has an availability of five comfortable bedrooms (3 double rooms and 2 double+1bed rooms), each with its private bathroom and refrigerator. Villino Sabiana has an availability of five comfortable bedrooms (3 double rooms and 2 double bed rooms +1), EACH ITS with private bathroom and refrigerator.
The room linen are changed Every three days while the room cleaning is done daily.Silk linen is used in high season (july and august) Silk linen is used in high season (July and August)Breakfast is served in the shaded patio, anytime in the morning as the guests may request. Breakfast is served in the shaded patio, anytime in the morning as the guests request May.